/Whacked Mac Archives/WMA on FMA?.txt Freaks Macintosh Archives http://freaky.staticusers.net/ On July 10th 1999, Saturday during Defcon 7 (www.defcon.org) at 14.00 hours, Space Rouge from l0pht heavy industries gave a introduction for Freaks' Macintosh Security Speech. During the speech he handed over the name. He official said his site was no longer updated, and to go to Freaks Macintosh Archives. On this CD is the origional speech. Space Rouge gave us permission to include his origional Archive on this CD, since its no longer sold and his site is non-maintained now. His CD which was 40 megs is on here. Read his DOCs and see why he started his archive. This archive may not be redistributed without written permission from Space Rouge @ L0pht. I'd like to thank Space Rouge